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Moonifest Your Heart's Dreams Playfully
with the Power of the 
Moon Cycles
and the Magick of

Empower Yourself With Lunar Journey

Soul-Based Approach


Need help to achieve your goals in life?

I designed a Soul-based model focusing on the creative power found within the Cosmos, Mother Nature and the Human Spirit, to bring out the best in YOU. I will give you the tools for success in every area of your life, and together we will work, play and Moonifest your Soul's Dreams! 

In addition to 1-on-1 consultations and group sessions, I regularly host workshops and seminars for those of YOU who are ready to Moonifest the Dreams, Visions & Goals that arise out of YOUR  Soul & Spirit,

and bring it down to Earth in your Human Experience.


Silvia Pancaro

Invites You to:


"MoonCoach" Silvia Pancaro guides women & men towards Success, Happiness, Prosperity, Harmony and Authentic Living, with Sacred Tools that encourage the highest potential expression of their Soul's Unique Genius. Based on her powerful Moon~Coaching™ system, Silvia guides you towards the Realization of your goals over the course of each Lunar Moonth, using your Astrology chart, the 8 phases of the Sun/Moon/Earth cycle, and the insightful use of the Tarot archetypes. 

Various levels of the Lunar Journey are available, starting at the 'basic' level: a guided, interactive group platform, lead by Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro, where the participants play & create together, under the Light of the Moon.

Going on a Lunar Journey is an adventure! Where do we go? Well, we start off in the Cosmos, traveling through star systems and whizzing by planets, and paying particular attention to where the Sun & Moon are positioned in relation to what we call Astrological Signs (Archetypes in the Western Tropical Zodiac). We then come back to Earth, to our own lives, and from our personal perspectives, we bring the Energies of the Zodiac, Sun and Moon, into our everyday Life. Why? To CREATE with these energies, which are very real, very useful, and very powerful frequencies (all Life is based in Frequency, per Quantum Physics), which we can direct and apply to any specific area of our 3D experience. 

So, why do I call it Lunar Journey, and not Cosmic Voyage for example? Because our focus in this particular program (one of many I designed & facilitate), is specifically that gorgeous, magickal sphere that spins round and round US, the Earth. Yes, I do have other 'Journeys' in which we focus on other Celestial Ambassadors to our Consciousness, but in fact my favorite Journey is this one, because the Moon is the clearest representative of Soul, of Emotions, of Imagination, of the Feminine way of Creating, that offers us an opportunity to evolve in a gentle, Soul-full way...and...creating with Her requires us to do something that a lot of people haven't felt comfortable doing in thousands of years: 


This is called INTUITION, and the Moon is the Greatest Force we have that shows us how to do this for ourselves. For far too long, we have been taught, conditioned, forced to rely solely on the process of Left-Brain thinking...processing information in rational and linear fashion. Needless to say, this hasn't worked very well for Humanity, nor for the well-being of our Beloved Planet as a Whole. It's also left us feeling/acting in very lop-sided and unbalanced ways. No fun at all! Literally, since Science, Math, History is BORING if you leave out Art, Music, Dance, Divinity from the equation, right? The good news is this has been quickly changing, as new Generations (plus forerunners like yours truly) came into Incarnation to bring back CREATIVITY via Whole-Brain processing into our everyday reality. Little by little, more and more people have awakened to their innate Intuitive abilities, become more comfortable with the creative, right-brain dreaming, and turned onto the path of combining left and right brain processing, rational/linear thinking with intuitive/flowing thinking, in order to feel more alive, more purposeful, more creative. It's the way of the Future, and it's HERE NOW. You see where I'm going with this? I firmly believe that the Moon and Intuition are what will heal us, as individuals, and as a species, inter-relating with other Life Forms on Earth (yes, 'and Beyond'). 


So, with my original program, Moon~Coaching™, I reached out to many thousands of individuals as well as groups, working on personal dreams as well as professional goals, and taught them to use my very powerful creative process of Moonifesting with the Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology and Natural Cycles. Lunar Journey (and all my other programs) is based on Moon~Coaching™, but this one is a simplified format that anybody can use effectively.  Moon~Coaching™ was/is based on the same Principles as Lunar Journey: That we all have a Purpose, and it's revealed in our Astrological Chart which I refer to as our Essence Blueprint, since it's a Map of the Essence of our Being, which we can utilize consciously & pro-actively to build the Life we were meant to experience - full of Bliss~ings, Wellness, Joy, Prosperity and Love. Once you understand that YOU MATTER and that you are needed on this Beloved Earth with the specific combinations of traits, gifts, challenges and lessons that are uniquely designed BY your and FOR you, then designing & creating your Life by the Light of the Moon becomes a no-brainer...or a Whole-Brainer anyways!

Ok, so if I still have your attention, I will outline what you'll experience by joining me, MoonCoach™ (Silvia Pancaro) on a Lunar Journey (see the Astronaut to the right? That's what I would daydream myself to be, when I was a teeny little girl about age 4, journneying among the Stars, visiting La Luna and visiting with friends out in the Eternally shapeshifting Cosmos).  Ok, so here's what happens. Once you register, pay & send me your birth information, I will create your astrological chart on what is called a 'tri-wheel' which simply means your blueprint is in the Center (of course, since everything that happens, is centered on YOU my friend), with the New Moon wheel outside of it, and then the Full Moon wheel on the outer rim (3 wheels). I will look for the areas of your Life that are 'activated' by the new & full moons, mark them on your chart, and provide you with a PDF that lists the key themes for these areas so you can focus on these combined ideas as you set your Intention/Goal for that specific Lunar Journey. The INTENTION you set will be based on the energy of the Moon cycle itself...which comes from the Astrological sign of the New Moon Phase. You'll get information including ideas and key words when you log into the private group I set up for members only. Which is where you get very real, loving, empowering support from me personally, as well as from other members who are your 'crew' during that Lunar Journey (a tremendous energetic bond is created from setting up a Virtual Sacred Space together, so look forward to making new friends along the way!).


In this group, I post at 8 different times in the cycle; these are specially crafted journal prompts that are based on the energies of the phases of the moon in conjunction with the astrological vibe...NO, you do not need to know Astrology to have an effective & fun journey...however, you WILL learn it little by little, in simple ways, especially if you return moonth after moonth to more Lunar Journeys.


Ok, so what else do we do? We use TAROT & ORACLE cards. YES, you will need at least 1 deck for this part. This is where the MAGICK happens! This is the part of the ride that connects the 2 hemispheres of the brain, to allow for communication between your rational, logical side and your creative, intuitive side. It's like East meets West. The images of the cards, which are pulled based on the customized journal prompts I post during the course of the Lunar Journey, will serve to translate information from the level of your Soul, to the level of your everyday personality. It's profound work! Within the group setting, everyone shares their cards, their InSights, their aha's as well as haha's; and if you ever get stuck on a phase, or on a card, another member or myself will always offer feedback to help you along. That's the Beauty of doing Group Work...we can count on each other when we need that little extra oomph.

Ultimately, each Lunar Journey is a totally unique experience. You learn about yourSelf because you are going INSIDE, into your Heart, your Mind, Your Soul...and you experience a totally different Reality...once that bridges the Outer Space with the Inner Space. And that point of Junction where these realities meet? This is where MAGICK HAPPENS...the shifts in Consciousness that open us up to be more of Who We Were Truly Born To BE. And isn't that what we are all REALLY wanting?

I invite you to try 1 Lunar Journey if you are not's only a single moonth's investment of Time and $...and I am pretty sure that if you are dedicated to your Life's Highest Expression of the Light Within, you'll come right back to sign up for the entire year - all 12 Lunar Journeys, traveling to your Inner Space in order to create an ever more beautiful Outer Space in your Life!

Are you ready to put on your Moon suit?

Let's go!

Peace & MoonBeam Blessings,

Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro

Creatrix of Moon~Coaching™

and many programs Astrological, Lunar,

Solar and Magickal, just for YOU!

Join MoonCoach Silvia Pancaro ...

as we travel the Cosmos on our Lunar Journeys...

Moon + Tarot x You = Magick!

Your Soul comes joyously alive as you create with the images of the Tarot,

guided by the changing faces of the Moon in her Cosmic Dance with the Sun...


Pisces Lunar Journey 2018


March 17 thru April 15, 2018

We begin at The End: Pisces is the actually the last of the 12 Celestial Archetypes, so it is the moonth associated with closure and returning to Source in order to renew our energy.


This is the 'implicate order' or the 'quantum soup' from which all manifestations arise...the Dreamworld from which we create our external reality. During this Lunar Journey, we will dive deeply into our personal Dreamworld, to be INSPIRED by the Soul's most precious Dreams.

Here we will use the power of Imagination to energize our goals. This Lunar Journey asks you to turn off the rational mind, and allow yourSelf to be moved by Spirit into the direction of your Heart's deepest longing...

Wandering Traveler

Aries Lunar Journey 2018


April 15 thru May 15 

The 1st New Moon of the 2018-19 Astro-Lunar Year asks us to celebrate a New Beginning thru the sign Aries, the Ram, the 1st of the 12, the Pioneering & Courageous Warrior leading us towards a conscious new Creation in our Lives!

A NEW BEGINNING! Dive into the new lunar year with total trust & faith! Initiate a New Dream for the next 13 moonths! Be the STAR of your own personal S/Hero’s Journey! 


Feel the fiery enthusiasm of Aries - imagine your Intentional Seeds being energetically quickened by Spirit, as you synchronize with The Great Dreamer!

Feel your Creative Dreams being gently awakened! 

The Aries Moonth is all about getting your juices flowing, feeling fully alive & vital! Think of a toddler,fully innocent in her exploration of the world &of himSelf! There's a feeling of wonder, awe & discovery during this moonth that pervades all Life! 

The Main theme of this Lunar Journey is IDENTITY...journeying upon this Quest to answer the Quest-Ion: WHO AM I?

Bohemian Girl

Taurus Lunar Journey 2018


May 15 thru June 13

The 2nd New Moon of the 2018-19 Zodiacal Year asks us to celebrate LIFE ON EARTH thru the sign TAURUS teaching us to patiently move towards our desired outcomes, through consistent & well planned actions based on the Values of our Soul.

THIS LUNATION IS a cosmic invitation to get grounded in the qualities of Earth, honor our connections to Nature, and deepen our self-esteem & therefore get clear on our relationship with money, matter & all things material. We'll do this through the Celestial Bull - the sensual Earth-lover, grounding us deeply into a conscious connection with our innate talents & abilities in order to truly flow the blessings of Abundance in our lives! The infamous Law of Attraction is strongest at this point in the cycle. You are the Architect & Designer of your Life!


Money, Body, Earth, Business and all things 3D

This Taurus new moonth is about being the architect of our dreams and building our lives on a strong foundation, therefore grounding our goals into the earthly reality and manifesting all that we deserve, based on our own self-worth! Taurus is the builder of the Zodiac, reminding us to be as the Earth herself: Connect to our inner natural rhythms, be mindful of our physical needs, respect our own gifts & talents, and embrace ourselves gratefully for what we have to share. Valuing our Selves and recognizing our innate Beauty acts as the ‘attracting principle’ (i.e.Law of Attraction) for all that brings us personal fulfillment!

Pop Band

Gemini Lunar Journey 2018


June 13 thru July 12

The 3rd New Moon of the 2018-19 Zodiacal Year asks us to COMMUNICATE OUR IDEAS & DEVELOP COMMUNITY thru the astrological sign of the Celestial Twins, GEMINI teaching us to gather relevant information/data that supports our goals, and share with others in a mutually supportive manner. This is the prime time of the year for calling in our allies to further our goals, by brainstorming and seeding our ideas into the collective, via all possible channels of communication (internet, books, classes, newsletters, and good old fashioned word of mouth networking! Cast your seed into the collective net!


This lunar moonth is about considering how our Thoughts are supporting (or denying) our Creative Vision - as well as putting the "Word" out into our community, so that we may further express our Spirit and Soul's Intentions. What kind of energy are you putting out into the world by virtue of your Thoughts?


Remember: This is an AIR sign, and once you put something out, the Winds carry it forth into the World at large.



(And can also be found on the 'Shop' page, or SCROLL DOWN for additional options)


Cancer Lunar Journey 2018


July 12 thru August 11, 2018

The 4th New Moon of the 2018-19 Zodiacal Year asks us to look at our emotional world, including our Family life as well as whether we are taking time to create a safe emotional container for ourselves, for our loved ones, and if applicable to your business - are you creating safe space for your clients.

Additionally consider the following:

How do you nurture yourself?

How do you 'mother' yourself?

What do you need in order to feel loved, safe & cared for?

What does Mother & Family mean to YOU?

What is the nature of your connection to The Great Mother?


Take time to create a safe, nurturing Sacred Space for yourself and for your loved ones. Take a good, deep look at the ways you sabotage your basic needs, and learn to create a safe container for expressing your emotional needs.


We are invited to navigate the Emotional Realm via the gentle Cosmic Crab, who assists us with moving into the depths of our Soul, recognizing our genetic-familiar-and psychological ROOTS, which form the foundation of our personal and collective TREE OF LIFE.


Yes, this Lunar Moonth is an invitation to dive deeply into the Cosmic Womb, to re-member that beyond the flesh & blood & bones of our physical human bodies, we are truly all One, swimming in the amniotic fluid of The Great Mother. Surrender & melt into Her Loving Embrace...

Wandering Traveler

Leo Lunar Journey 2018


August 12 thru September 9, 2018 

The 5th New Moon of the 2018-19 Astro-Lunar Year asks us to

to grow into a greater & more authentic expression of our Grandest, Radiant Selves! Leo asks us to step onto our personal Stage of Life and RADIATE our Brilliance! Like the Celestial Lion, we are invited to ROAR with great enthusiasm & self-assurance. Pride, yes, PRIDE!


  • What about YOU is special, unique, brilliant,

that you are proud about?

  • What do you LOVE doing/expressing that

you really need to do more of?

  • What 1 thing about yourSelf BLISSES you out?

 We will work with the qualities of FIRE sign, LEO the Lion, symbol of the Creative Self-Expression, Joy & Passion,

Our Inner Cosmic Child, Life Force Energy & Vitality, The Creative Impulse to Live & Express AUTHENTICALLY & Joyfully! 

The Month of Leo is presided over the Lord of Light: The SUN itself, who invites us to ponder on the energy of passionate creation as we express it into our World. It's time to be conscious of that Inner Genius, the Spiritual Spark of Light which the Ancients called our Holy Guardian Angel, The Daemon whose infinite Love and Brilliance illumines our Path.

The Sun is the Center of our Solar System, and it represents the Vital Core from which we live and breathe, and move and have our BE~ing. Are you in touch with this aspect of your Psyche? It is imperative that you express your spiritual purpose from this, Your Vibrational Core Essence! This month, is an opportunity to consciously connect with your Inner Sun, and be vitalized by the Spiritual Sun that shines behind our own Sun...LIVE!!!


Bohemian Girl

Virgo Lunar Journey 2018


September 9 to October 8, 2018

The 6th New Moon of the 2018-19 Zodiacal Year asks us to consider the practical steps might we need to take to improve our overall health and well-being.

THIS LUNATION FOCUSES ON HONORING THE MATERIAL REALM, especially your physical health & well-being, as well as developing life-affirming daily habits,especially at work!

The Lunar Journey we will work on the desire to be of Service, to bring greater healing into the physical realm, being the conduit/channel/Vessel for the Divine, using the gifts of the Higher Mind in order to discern what works from what is superfluous, clearing the clutter from our spaces (inner & outer) and creation of a Sacred Space in which to daily commune with Spiritual Source! 

Virgo accentuates the need to weed through our mental thought processes & daily habits, and clear away what is superfluous, unhealthy or outdated. This lunar moonth we would do well to look upon our outer space as well as within our inner temple, to do some 'clean-up' work. Discernment is a key word with this zodiacal sign, and therefore being honest with ourselves regarding what we need to let go of is important. As Virgo is traditionally ruled by the planet Mercury, we combine Virgo's need for cleanliness with Mercury's connection with the Mind & Thought to give us some guidance for this month: Check in on your self-talk cycle and catch yourself whenever you are speaking unloving or disempowering words to yourself. Cut it out. Create new affirmations that you repeat on a daily basis.



Pop Band

Libra Lunar Journey 2018



October 8 thru November 7, 2018

The 7th New Moon of the 2018-19 Zodiacal Year asks us to check in on what you have on your Inner Scales, and remove what creates imbalance or lack of harmony. Instead, leave only the Essentials upon your Inner Scales, so that you are truly living your Life from a place of Harmony & Balance. 

THIS LUNATION accentuates the need to clarify our thoughts, so that only the Essential, the True, the Just, the Beautiful, the Harmonious, remains on our Inner that we might be as consistently Centered in our Core, as possible. As Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, we combine Libra's ability to observe with clear detachment, with Venus' connection with Appreciation (giving value something) for those Essential people, situations, thoughts, feelings, events, that keep us truly focused on our True Nature, and is protects us from the dizzying confusions of Life which would otherwise give rise to being 'out of balance' and unable to return to our Inner Source of Grounding; allow Venus to give us some guidance for this month.

Some Moon~Coaching™ questions we'll focus on:

● What condition are my romantic & business partnerships in?
● How can I bring greater harmony into all my relationships? 
● What might I do to channel Beauty into my environment? 
● What is throwing me 'off-balance' in any area of my life? 
● What might I release from the scales, which blocks my Heart from fully loving mySelf, others or Life in general? 
● What kind of thinking takes me off my Center?
● What activities help me re-Center back into Harmonious Thinking?


(And can also be found on the 'Shop' page, or SCROLL DOWN for additional options)

Sign up Below for Lunar Journeys + Services:

Astrology Chart Info

Once you've paid @, please email your birth information: 

Date, city/state/country, and exact birth time.

Please let me know if the time is from an official birth certificate, or an estimate.

Thank you! I look forward to seeing you online at our Lunar Journey!

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