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Moon~Coaching™ TAURUS Lunar Journey "MINI" Playsheet

Moon~Coaching™ TAURUS Lunar Journey "MINI" Playsheet


Special MINI-Edition Moon~Coaching™ Playsheet (TAURUS ).


(NOTE: This is for the TAURUS Lunar Journey only. Other Lunar Journey Playsheets will be available for purchase/download at the time each Lunar Journey begins).


MoonCoach™ helps you align with Natural Cycle of the TAURUS Moonth, to empower your Intentions & Goals. Great for all levels of Soul-full life participants,including professional astrologers and NON-astrologers,since you work the program at your level!


Your Dreams & Goals are ‘Creative Seeds’ which can be nurtured into manifestation by the power of the Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles. As you align with the Cosmic Dance of the Sun, Moon and Earth, the Elements of Alchemy and the Zodiacal Year, you can manifest your dreams!


Excerpted from the Moon~Coaching™ program, created by MoonCoach™ Silvia Pancaro, each moonth's individual Lunar Journey Playsheet practically guides you to connect your goals to the natural cycles of Astrology using Tarot and the Moon Phases. Each moonth's Lunar Journey playsheet guides you in applying Astrological energy by working with the 8 Lunar Phases as these activate the various Zodiacal signs from Aries to Pisces, during each lunar moonth. You will consciously align with The Lunar Cycle and actively journal in the 'Moon + Tarot x You = Magick!" Playsheet to track your progress and make the manifesting of your Dreams an exciting, fun and deeply transformational process!


(If you are an existing member of the related Lunar Journey, this specific 'MINI' Playsheet is INCLUDED with your TAURUS Lunar Journey membership FREE. The coupon code will be available to you after you process your payment/registration for the Aries Lunar Journey online membership group. Link for the related Lunar Journey is here:


TO ADD YOUR TRI-WHEEL ASTROLOGY CHART, please add this to your chart from the main store page.


NOTE: At this time, the 12 Lunar Journey Playsheets are sold individually ONLY - so, this is specific for the TAURUS Lunar Journey. If you are interested in purchasing the other Lunar Journey Playsheets, you will need to return to the store a few days prior to the beginning of the Astrological Lunar Journey you are interested in. If you have any questions about this, please message us!

  • Included In This TAURUS Lunar Journey Playsheet:

    This 'Mini' version of the Lunar Journey Playsheet for the TAURUS cycle is 4 letter size pages, packed with information, guidance, lunar phase dates and journaling prompts specifically dates to the TAURUS Lunar Moonth.


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©2019 BY LUNAR JOURNEY & MoonCoach LLC/Silvia Pancaro.  Website by 13 StarGates Design & Publishing:

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